Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
यस्तो विचित्र छ मानव उत्पत्तिको इतिहास
संधै युद्ध र भोकमरीको समाचार बनिरहेको महादेश हो अफ्रिका । तर धेरैलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ र अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ अफ्रिका त सम्पूर्ण
मानव जातिको उद्गम थलो हो ।
अफ्रिका । हो एक समय अन्धकारको महादेश भनेर कहिलिएको महादेश । बहुसंख्यक काला जातिहरुको बासस्थान । नदी नाला तथा बिबिध जीवजन्तुहरुकले भरिपूर्ण अपार जङली भूभाग भएको महादेश ।
बैज्ञानिकहरुले प्रमाणहरु जुटाई पटक पटक यो कुरालाई पुष्टी गरिसकेको छन् कि अफ्रिका नै मानव जातिको उदग्म थलो हो । सन् १८०९ मा फ्रान्सका जीवशास्त्री जीव वापटिष्ट लेमार्कले पृथ्वीमा भएका जीवहरु बाइबलमा लेखिए जस्तै अपरिवर्तनशील रहेको बताएका छन् ।
उनले जीवहरुद्धारा प्रयोगमा ल्याइने अंग बिकसित तथा बृद्धि हुने तर प्रयोगमा नल्याइने चाहीं कमजोर तथा सानो हुने बताएका छन् । यो गुण पछिल्ला पुस्ताहरुमा बंशाणुगत रुपमै सर्दै जाने बिचार उनको थियो ।
लेमार्कको बिचार ईश्वरद्धारा सम्पूर्ण जीवको उत्पत्ति भएको हो भन्ने बाइबलको बिचारमाथि प्रहार थियो । तर बाइबलको बिचारमाथि दोस्रो तथा निर्णायक प्रहार भने अर्का बैज्ञानिक इङल्याण्डका चाल्र्स डार्बिनले दिएका थिए ।
उनले सम्पूर्ण जीवहरु नै क्रमिक बिकासको बाटोबाट बिकसित भएको सिद्धान्त नै पेश गरेका थिए ।
उनले आफ्नो सिद्धान्तको पुष्टिका निम्ति जीवहरुको शारीरिक गुणहरुको तुलनात्मक बिश्लेषण, जीवावशेष, जमिनमुनि गाडिएर सयौं, हजारौं, लाखौं, करौडौं बर्षसम्म रहँदा तिनीहरुकको बाँकी रहेका अंशहरु वा छापहरुको तुलनात्मक बिश्लेषण लगायत अन्य थुप्रै प्रमाणहरु जुटाएका थिए ।
उनले जीवहरु कुनै ईश्वरले एकसाथ सृष्टि गरेको नभई करौडौं बर्ष पहिले अजैविक रसायनहरुको सहयोगबाट अति सरल जीवहरुको उदय भई समय र परिस्थितिको तालमेलमा क्रमिक रुपमा जटिल र ठूला जीवहरुको बिकसित हुँदै मानव जातिसम्मको बिकास भएका प्रमाणहरु पेश गरे ।
त्यसैले चाल्र्स डार्विनलाई बिकासबादी सिद्धान्तका पिताको रुपमा मानिन्छन् । उनै चाल्र्स डार्बिनले मानव जातिको बिकास बाँदरको पुर्खाबाट भएको हो अर्थात बाँदरको पुर्खा र मानव जातिको पुर्खा एउटै हो भन्ने तर्क प्रस्तुत गरे ।
उनले यो कुरा सन् १८७१ मा प्रकाशित उनको प्रसिद्ध पुस्तक The Descent of Man मा उल्लेख गरेका छन् । मानव जातिको उदय अपुच्छ बाँदरको कुनै पुर्खाबाट भएको हो भन्ने कुरा बैज्ञानिक चाल्र्स डार्बिनले नै भनिसकेका छन् ।
उनकै कुरालाइ अनुशरण गर्दै बैज्ञानिकहरुले खोज गर्दै जाँदा नयाँ–नयाँ तथ्यहरु पत्ता लागेका छन् । बैज्ञानिहरुका अनुसार आजभन्दा एक करोड साठी लाखदेखि एक करोड दश लाख बर्ष पहिलेको समयअवधिमा भौगोलिक मिओनस कालमा जंगलै जंगलले भरिएको अफ्रिकाको उष्ण प्रदेशिय भूभागको हावापानीमा ठुलो फेरबदल आयो ।
बर्षाको कमीले गर्दा उष्ण प्रदेशिय घना जंगलहरु क्रमश नष्ट हुँदै गए । ती भूभागहरु लामा लामा घाँसका फाँटहरुमा बदलिन थाले । अपुच्छ बाँदरहरुको अस्तित्वको लागि यो परिस्थितिले निकै ठूलो चुनौती खडा गर्यो । ती अपुच्छ बाँदरहरु रुखमाथि नै जीवन निर्वाह गर्दथे ।
तर पछिसम्म जंगलभित्र रुखमा नै जीवन निर्वाह गर्दै गरेका अपुच्छ बाँदरहरु त्यही रुपमा नै रही रहे र त्यो रुप अहिलेसम्म पनि निरन्तर रुपमा कायम रह्यो ।
प्रागमानवहरु दुई खुट्टाले हिंड्ने भएकाले उनीहरुको हात फुक्का भयो । त्यसकारण उनीहरु टाढा टाढासम्म खाद्यसामग्री सजिलै ओसार पसार गरी पछिको लागि जोगाउन समेत सकेन ।
यो घटना मानव बिकासमा महत्वपूर्ण घटना थियो । किनकि, मानवबाहेक अर्का जन्तुले खाद्य सामग्री जोगाउन सकिन्न । तर सन् १९९० अगाडिसम्म पनि बैज्ञानिकहरुले त्यस मानव उद्गमको सिद्धान्तको ठोस प्रमाण जुटाउन सकेका थिएनन् ।
बाँदर र मानवबीचको प्रागमानव जाति अष्ट्रोलोपिथेकस भएको कुरा स्वीकारे पनि बैज्ञानिकहरुले बाँदरबाट बिकसित सुरुको होमिनिड पुस्ता अष्ट्रोलोपिथेकस नै हो भन्ने कुरामा शंका गर्दै थिए ।
किनकि, सन् १९६६ मा आणविक जीवशास्त्री बैज्ञानिकहरु विन्सेट सारिच र अलन विल्सनले मानव र अपुच्छ बाँदर चिम्पाञ्जीका डि.एन ए हरु एकसाथ राखेर तुलनात्मक अध्ययन गरी हेर्दा ती दुईको साझा पुस्ता करिव ४० देखि ६० लाख बर्ष पहिलेको समयबीचको रहेको तथ्य पत्ता लगाएका थिए ।
अष्ट्रोलेपिथेसिनपछिको बिकसित प्रागमानव होमोहाविलिस हो । यो जातिका प्रागमानवहरु हाते औजार बनाउन तथा प्रयोग गर्नमा सिपालु थिए । वास्तवमा औजारको निर्माण र प्रयोग संगसंगै नै मानव संस्कृतिको पनि शुरुवात भयो ।
ढुङगे औजारको निर्माण गर्न होमोहाविलिसपछिको मानव जाति होमो इरेक्टस् बढी सिपालु देखिन्थ्यो । उनीहरुले करिव १५ लाख बर्ष पहिले पूर्वी अफ्रिकामा ढुङाको औजार बनाउने एउटा बिशेष किसिमको तरिकाको नै बिकास गर्यो ।
त्यो तरिकालई आय्केउलियन् भनिन्छ । आय्केउलियन् तरिकाबाट निर्मित औजारहरुलाई आय्केउलियन् ढुंङाको औजार भनिन्छ । यो औजार सबैभन्दा पहिले फ्रान्सको आयकेउल भन्ने ठाउँमा भेट्टाइएको थियो । त्यसैले यसको नाम आयकेउलियन् औजार हुन गएको हो ।
आय्केउलियन औजारहरु उन्नत खालका थिए । ती हतियारहरु बिभिन्न खालका हुन्थे । कुनै ठूला त कुनै साना । ढुंङाको औजार बनाउन जानेपछि मानव स्वभावमा ठूलो परिवर्तन आयो । यही क्रममा उनीहरुले करिब साढे ७ लाख बर्ष पहिले आगोको आविष्कार गरेका तथ्यहरु फेला परेका छन् ।
आगोको आविष्कारपछि मानिसहरुको स्वभावमा उल्लेखनिय परिवर्तन आयो । किनकी आगो भएपछि उनीहरुले मासु र अन्य खानेकुराहरु पोलेर खान सिके । यसबाट उनीहरुले पोषिला खानेकुरा प्राप्त गरी आफनो स्वास्थ्यमा निकै सुधार ल्याए ।
साथै पोलेर खाने संस्कृतिको बिकाससंगै नै मानिसहरुले समुद्री जीवहरुको भोजन गर्न पनि थाले । आगोबिना समुद्री जीवहरुको भोजन सम्भव थिएन । आगोको आविष्कारपछि नै मानिसले आफनो भोजनमा मासुको अत्यधिक भागलाई समावेश गरायो ।
मासु प्राप्त गर्न पुरुषहरु टाढा टाढा सम्म शिकार गर्न जाने र महिलाहरु बासस्थानमै बसिरहने संस्कृति शुरु भयो । सुत्केरी महिलाहरु लामो समयसम्म शिशुहरुको स्याहारसुसार गर्नका निम्ति बासस्थानमा नै बस्नु पर्ने बाध्यता थियो ।
र ती महिलाहरुले आफना शिशुहरुको स्याहारसुसारबाट निस्केको फुर्सदको समय जंगल वरिपरिको बोटबिरुवाहरु खानयोग्य छन् वा छैनन् भन्ने परिक्षण गर्ने कार्य गर्न थाले र पछि त्यहीबाट बोटबिरुवा रोप्ने र उत्पादन गर्ने सीप सिके ।
संसारमा अहिले करिव साढे ७ खर्व मानव जनसंख्या रहेको छ । यसभित्र हजारौं किसिमका जाति, जनजातिहरु रहेका छन् । तर ती सबै एउटै आधुनिक मानव जाति होमे स्यापियन्स् भित्र पर्दछन् । बैज्ञानिकहरुले सुरुमा होमो स्यापियन्स्को उदय युरोपबाट भएको हो भनि मानेका थिए ।
तर करिब ५० हजार बर्ष पुराना होमो स्यापियन्स्का जीवावशेषहरु दक्षिण अफ्रिकको क्लासिज नदीको मुखनेरको गुफामा भेटिएपछि त्यो कुरो गलत सावित भयो ।
अहिले बैज्ञानिकहरु अफ्रिकी देश इथियोपियाको ओमो भन्ने ठाउँमा भेटिएको होमो स्यापियन्स्का जीवावशेष नै सबैभन्दा पुरानो हो भन्ने मान्दछन् ।
यसरी बाँदरबाट पहिलो मानव पुर्खाको उद्गमदेखि आधुनिक मानव होमो स्यापियन्स्सम्म पनि सबै मानव पुर्खाहरु अफ्रिकमा नै उदय भएका हुन् भन्ने पुष्टी हुन्छ । (एजेन्सी)
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Bhairav | 2015 | Official Trailer
Nepali Movie Trailer – Bhairav | 2015 | Official Trailer | Nikhil Uprety || HD – Watch Online
Ratan Daruwalla Presents,
Nepali Movie: Bhairav
A Film by Nikhil Upreti
Actors: Nikhil Upreti, Anu Shah
Producer: Johaan Daruwalla
Action: Himal K.C.
Choreography: Ramji Lamichhane
Music: Suresh Adhikari
Cinematographer: Nawaraj Krishna Thapa
Editor: Banish Shah
Nepali Movie: Bhairav
A Film by Nikhil Upreti
Actors: Nikhil Upreti, Anu Shah
Producer: Johaan Daruwalla
Action: Himal K.C.
Choreography: Ramji Lamichhane
Music: Suresh Adhikari
Cinematographer: Nawaraj Krishna Thapa
Editor: Banish Shah
America President Barack Obama’s Lipala dance in Kenya
On serious issues such as gay rights, President Barack Obama spent much of his time in Kenya. But with some of the country’s most famous pop stars, he also found time to boogie. At a State House dinner four man group Sauti Sol performed which was hosted by Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta, who also joined Obama and the musicians on stage for a dance. The Lipala dance that has recently taken the country by storm and the dancers, accompanied by Kenyatta’s wife Margaret Kenyatta, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Obama’s half-sister Auma were performing it. After being reworked by Sauti Sol earlier this year in their song Sura Yako, the traditional dance, the Lipala has enjoyed renewed popularity.
The song praises a woman’s beauty, and translates to English from Swahili as ‘Your Face’, became quick hit due to its catchy melody and people posting videos of themselves dancing it on YouTube. Sauti Sol group leader Bien-Aimé Baraza is heard saying, ‘To the right to the left, to the left’ to the president when he asked how to do the dance. Obama made headlines for his moves throughout his presidency, quickly picked up the maneuvers during the Nairobi event and he is also no stranger to the dance floor.
Sauti Sol posted on their Instagram- ‘And for those who doubted President @barackobama’s step – the #LipalaDance #SuraYako is his new favorite Kenyan dance!’ According to the Guardian ‘We are so sad that our mother Michelle could not come’ said the pop start referring to the First Lady. After an earlier press conference that saw the visiting leader criticize his host country for its treatment of gay people, Obama and Kenyatta shared the stage on Saturday night. Kenyatta said that his nation, where homosexuality is illegal, did not share all its values with the US and that gay rights were ‘a non-issue’ in his country.
New music video – Deurali Bhanjhyang by Sunil Giri
The new music video titled ‘Durali Bhanjhyang’ of sunil Giri is published from the video sharing site Youtube.

The video is directed by Nitin Chand & is made under Asian Music pvt. ltd. This video is popular in youtube now a days. When the video is published in youtube, it is viewed by more than 1 thousand 1 hundred in one day. The video is especially shot in the beautiful scene of Mustang by Chand himself. The video is featured of Reema & Paul. The video is edit by Paul.
The video is directed by Nitin Chand & is made under Asian Music pvt. ltd. This video is popular in youtube now a days. When the video is published in youtube, it is viewed by more than 1 thousand 1 hundred in one day. The video is especially shot in the beautiful scene of Mustang by Chand himself. The video is featured of Reema & Paul. The video is edit by Paul.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Unique Flag Of Nepal
The Nepal Flag was officially adopted on December 16, 1962 and it is the only national flag that is not rectangle or square.
The blue border in the National Flag of Nepal symbolizes peace, while red is the colour of the Rhododendron- Nepal's National flower. The crescent moon represents the Royal House, while the Sun is the symbol of the Rana family of Nepal.
2.HistoryInitially the sun and moon in the National flag of Nepal had human faces, but they were removed when the flag was updated in 1962. The flag is said to express the hope that Nepal will endure as long as the sun and the moon exist. The present National Flag of Nepal was adopted on December 16, 1962. The flag of Nepal is the only national flag which is not rectangular in shape. It is based upon two separate pennants which belonged to rival branches of the Rana dynasty, which formerly ruled the country. The two pennants were first joined in the last century, but it was not adopted as the official flag until 1962, the year in which the constitutional form of government was established in Nepal.
The blue border in the National Flag of Nepal symbolizes peace, while red is the colour of the Rhododendron- Nepal's National flower. The crescent moon represents the Royal House, while the Sun is the symbol of the Rana family of Nepal.
2.HistoryInitially the sun and moon in the National flag of Nepal had human faces, but they were removed when the flag was updated in 1962. The flag is said to express the hope that Nepal will endure as long as the sun and the moon exist. The present National Flag of Nepal was adopted on December 16, 1962. The flag of Nepal is the only national flag which is not rectangular in shape. It is based upon two separate pennants which belonged to rival branches of the Rana dynasty, which formerly ruled the country. The two pennants were first joined in the last century, but it was not adopted as the official flag until 1962, the year in which the constitutional form of government was established in Nepal.
Radhika Apte's Thriller Epic Ahilya
Sujoy Ghosh is back with a thriller and this one though short, is “epic”. The legendary tale is retold and in such a classy way that by the end of 12.51 seconds, you’ll be spellbound.
Starring Soumitra Chatterjee, Radhika Apte and Tota Roy Chowdhury, this short film will impress you greatly. According to Hindu mythology, Ahalya was wife of sage Gautama Maharishi, who was seduced by King of Gods, Indra. She was cursed for infidelity. Later, she was relieved of the curse by Lord Rama.
The new take on the epic tale is fascinating. The short film is high on thrill and the end will leave you wanting for more. No kidding!
Here It Is ........
Bandipur , A historical Place
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Bandipur Bazar |
With impetus and substantial help from the owners of the adventure company Himalayan Encounters, the Bandipur Social Development Committee has put Bandipur firmly on the map. Derelict buildings have been reborn as cafes and lodges, and temples and civic buildings have been pulled back from the edge of ruin. With its glorious 18th-century architecture, absence of motorised vehicles and restaurant tables set out on the bazaar, it has a distinct European feel. Yet Bandipur remains very much a living community, bustling with farmers and traders going about their business alongside the tourists.
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Hiking In Bandipur |
Bandipur was originally part of the Magar kingdom of Tanahun, ruled from nearby Palpa (Tansen), but Newari traders flooded in after the conquest of the valley by Prithvi Narayan Shah.
The town was an important stop on the India–Tibet trade route until it was bypassed by the Prithvi Hwy in the 1960s.
In centuries past, traders would gather on this man-made plateau to haggle for goods from India and Tibet before starting the long trek to Lhasa or the Indian plains. It was also a former parade ground for Gurkhas serving with the British Army. These days it’s all about the views. At dawn and sunset, the clouds peel back to reveal a stunning panorama of Himalayan peaks that include Dhaulagiri (8167m), Machhapuchhare (6997m), Langtang Lirung (7246m), Manaslu (8162m) and Ganesh Himal (7406m).
Things can get rowdy here on weekends during the picnic season from October to November.
At the start of the Tundikhel are five enormous fig trees. In Nepali mythology, the different types of fig are symbols for different Hindu gods, and Vishnu, Brahma and Hanuman are all represented here.
2.Siddha Gufa (Cave)
Making for a popular half-day trip, at 437m deep and 50m high, Siddha Gufa is said to be the largest cave in Nepal. Its cathedral-like chasm is full of twisted stalactites and stalagmites and hundreds of bats chirp and whistle overhead. Guides (Rs 400) are compulsory and await you at the cave’s entrance. Flashlights are also available for hire.
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Getting here is definitely a trek, taking 1½ hours one way (consider hiring a guide from Bandipur's Tourist Information Centre). Follow the signs starting from the north end of the village, taking you along a dirt path running north over the edge of the ridge, turning right at the obvious junction. The stone path is slippery so mind your step. From here it’s a 25-minute walk downhill to Bimalnagar for buses to Pokhara or Kathmandu.
3.Silkworm Farm
An offbeat choice, a visit to Silkworm Farm takes you through the fascinating process of how silk is produced. The farm comprises orchards of mulberry plants, which are grown for worm food – the worms themselves are reared indoors, usually from August to December and March to May. But you can visit any time, with someone on hand to explain the process using jars of preserved displays. To get here follow the road past Green Hills View Lodge downhill for around 2km.
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4.Bindebasini Temple
At the northeast end of the bazaar (which is the main shopping strip) this ornate, two-tiered temple is dedicated to Durga. Its ancient walls are covered in carvings and a priest opens the doors each evening. Facing the temple across the square is the Padma library , a striking 18th-century building with carved windows and beams.
Nearby, a set of stone steps runs off east to the small Mahalaxmi Temple , another centuries-old Newari-style temple.
Perched atop Gurungche Hill, the main reason to climb up to Thani Mai is for its spectacular sunrise views. On a clear morning it has some of the most memorable 360-degree vistas in the country, with the Himalaya stretching out along the horizon, while the valley beneath is cloaked in a thick fog that resembles a white lake. The trail starts near the school at the southwest end of the bazaar, and is a steep 30-minute walk.
A wide flight of stone steps leads up the hillside to this barn-like temple, which enshrines the sword of Mukunda Sen, the 16th-century king of Palpa (Tansen). Allegedly a gift from Shiva, the blade is revered as a symbol of shakti (consort or female energy) and once a year during Dasain it gets a taste of sacrificial blood.
For More Info -
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Trishuli River Rafting
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Nepal's Most Popular Rafting River - Trisuli - The Gorge of the Trisuli - just 3 hours from Kathmandu. Embodies a blend of celestial vistas, varied wildlife as well as whitewater fun. Big bouncy waves, helty holes, and tricky chutes all go towards making an exhilarating ride to remember with a combination of grade II+ and III+ rapids with some IV'a in the post monsoon season. Rapids such as Snell's Nose. Teen Devi, Ladies Delight, Upset and the aptly named Surprise rapid.
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Adventure Rafting At Trisuli River |
On our overnight rafting schedule the evening's campsite is nestled on the sandy banks of the river. We have dinner surrounded by the tranquil setting of the Trisuli valley. We sit by candle light discussing experiences and playing ludicrous games. The next day the rafting ends with lunch before boarding our bus to Pokhara (Approx. 3 hours) or back to Kathmandu 4 hours or Chitwan 2 hours.
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Rafting At Trisuli River |
Day 01:Kathmandu - Charaudi 3 hours by bus. Your rafting starts after your guide instruct you about the trip. Presence of many rapids makes this part the best for white water rafting. After 2 hours rafting, we make a lunch break and continue again and camp at Kurintar.
Day 02:Trip commences after breakfast and continues up to lunch break. It resume after lunch and trip ends at Pachkilo. You can either return to Kathmandu or proceed to Pokhara or Chitwan National Park
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Elephant Safari at Chitawan National Park |
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Crocodile At Chitawan National Park For More Info Visit At - |
Hindu Pilgrimage Places Spiritual Tour
Kathmandu, Manakamana, Pokhara, Muktinath, Janakpur Tour
Nepal Spiritual Trek king's Hindu Pilgrimage place tour is for those who would like to visit the most holy pilgrimage places of Hindus to fulfill their spiritual quest . Nepal is known as the spiritual fountain for Hinduism where lies the world's most holy Hindu spiritual sites like Pashupatinath, Muktinath, Gosainkunda, Panch Pokhari, Dudhkunda, Damodar Kunda, Mankamana, Janakpurdham,Baraha pokhari, Swargadwari, Devghat and many more where hindus believe their god resides.
Lord Ganesha |
Day 01:Arrival at the airport and transfer to Hotel
Day 02:Full day guided sightseeing of Hindu pilgrimage sites, visit Kathmandu Pilgrimage spots (Pashupatinath Temple, Budhanilkhanta Temple Dakshin kali, Hanuman dhoka)
Day 03:Drive from Kathmandu - Pokhara on the way visit Manakamana Temple by Cable Car.
Day 04:Full day guided sightseeing-visit Pokhara Pilgrimage spots (Tal Barahi,Bindabashini Goddess temple visit with Gupteswar Mahadev Darshan etc.)
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PashupatiNath , Kathmandu |
Day 05:Fly from pokhara to Jomsom and drive to Muktinath
Day 06:Morning Visit to Muktinath temple and Drive Back to Jomsom by Car / Jeep
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MuktiNath Temple , Jomsom |
Day 07:Fly back from Jomsom to Pokhara and drive to Janakpur by Car / jeep.
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Janaki Mandir , JanakpurDham |
Day 08:Full day guided sightseeing-visit Janakpur Pilgrimage spots (Janaki Mandir, Ram Mandir etc).
Day 09:Drive back from Janakpur to Kathmandu by private car / Jep and stay in hotel
Day 10:Free Day in Kathmandu shooping and Evening Celebrate your amazing trip with farewell Nepali dinner.
Day 11:Final departure to your destination
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At Pashupatinath With Sadhus |
Cost Include
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lumbini , mayadevi temple |
- Airports pick and drop by our private vehicles
- 4 night's hotel in Kathmandu with BB 1 night hotel in Pokhara BB 1 Night hotel in Lumbini BB 1 Night hotel in Nagarkot
- All road transportation by Tourist bus as per itinerary (Private vehicle or Flight is extra if required)
- 2 Nights 3 Days All kinds of Jungle activities, Break fast, Lunch and Dinner in Chitwan national Park
- City sightseeing by English speaking, Government license holder tour guide English speaking Tour guide
- All Permit and national park fee
- One day Whitewater rafting in Trisuli River, including Permit, Equipments, Lunch, Rafting Guide.
- All necessary permit and Tims Card for Trekking.
Cost Exclude
- Air fare domestic and international
- Nepal Visa fees(Visa fees US$ 25 or equivalent foreign currency for Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 15 days, US$ 40 or equivalent foreign currency for Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days & US$ 100 or equivalent foreign currency for Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 100 days.
- Any kinds of personnel expenses Any drinks like alcohol, mineral water, juice
- Your travel insurance Other expense which is not mention above
- Tips to guide and driver Any meal in Kathmandu, Pokhara
- Any drinks like Alcohol, Mineral water, Juice
- Emergency rescue Not expected expensive due to cause of out of our control.
Friday, July 24, 2015
The Most Beautiful Place Of Nepal
Once Is Not Enough ...Have To See Again
Himalayas Of Nepal
Mt. Annapurna
Nepal Trekking
Mt . Fishtail
Khumbu Village
Mt. Dhaulagiri
Mt. Annapurna (SunShine Scenario)
Mt. AnnaPurna Region
Mt.Everest Region
Mt. Everest With Awesome Scenario Of Basecamp
Awesome Scenario Of Pokhara Valley
Mt. Everest Region
National Bird Of Nepal
Himalayas Of Nepal
Mt. Annapurna
Nepal Trekking
Mt . Fishtail
Khumbu Village
Mt. Dhaulagiri
Mt. Annapurna (SunShine Scenario)
Mt.Everest Region
Mt. Everest With Awesome Scenario Of Basecamp
Awesome Scenario Of Pokhara Valley
Mt. Everest Region
National Bird Of Nepal
nepal spiritual trekking
Monday, July 20, 2015
Ghale Gaun Villege Trek (South Asian Village )
By UnknownMonday, July 20, 2015#GhanPokhara #Bhujung #Pasgaun #Kapurgaun #Siurung #beautiful #Gurung #villages #nepal #ghorepani #everest#trekking in nepal, #volunteeringinnepal #volunteer #himalaya #nepalNo comments

Ghale Gaun village the best village among south asian villages is the perfect example of home stay based tourism destination in Nepal which is situated at an altitude of 2070 m from sea level which belongs to warrior ethnic Gurung tribe. This beautiful village lies in along the round Annapurna circuit route a whole worlds as well as Nepal's a popular trekking destination. Most of the mens serve in military groups in Nepal army, Indian army, British army as well as police services and besides that main occupation is agriculture and animal husbandry. The total houses are about 115 and majority inhabitants are Gurungs. This majestic village is only 205 km northwest of Kathmandu and 125 km northeast of Pokhara.
The rustic and traditional settlements, the ancestral home of brave Gurungs Ghale gaun lies in the Ghale utterkanya Village development committee. The lane of roads are stone paved and clean. One can feel peace and harmony when one will be there. These days everyone is praising the place and also in these few years Ghalegaun has developed tremendously and the home stay. It has attracted many foreign as well as the domestic visitors. Ghale women normally wear blue and red attire, called ghalek and lungi and men were kachad, bakchu etc.
How to reach there ?
The ghale gaun Lies to the great Annapurna Range which starts from Beshishar around 43 km North from Dumbre the popular stop at Prithivi Highway. Besishahar can be reached by bus from Kathmandu Pokhara as well from major cities of the country. From Beshishar you can be rolled towards the winding road uphill dotted with the agricultured farm. As you go up, you will see an array of snow peaks crowned with nature and beauty that left breathless, felt like all Himalayan giants are lined up for the cameras to get captured. There are routes with options.
- Route Number 1 : Beshishar - Baglung pani - Kapurgaun - Ghalegaun
- Route Number 2 : Beshishar - Khudi - Simpani - Ghale Gaun
- Route Number 3 : Beshishar - Khudi - Ghanpokhara - nayu - Ghale Gaun
- Route Number 4 : Pokhara - Thumsikot - Pakhurikot - Pasgaun - Bhujung - Ghale Gaun
- Route Number 5 : Beshishar - Pasgaun - Bhujung - Ghale Gaun
- Route Number 6 : Beshishar - bahundanda - Koto - Duthpokhari - Ghanpokhara - Ghale Gaun
Destination : Ghalegaun Village Tour Total Days : 2- 6 days Max. Elevation : 2100 meter / Elevation profile Trek Grade : Easy Trek Distance : 70 km Approx. Accommodation : Home stay Type of Trek : Deluxe / Standard / Economy Itinerary Type : Fixed or Customized (Group, single, or Senior packages available) Geography : Alpine mountains & vallsy / Alpine villaes, Glaciers & cold places Best Season : September - November & March – May Departure Date : Anytime through out the year Special Interest : Cultural, Environmental education, Family travel, Nature cruises, Photography, single tour and senior tours, Religious Possible views of Mountains : Machhapuchare (6693m) Annapurna (8091m), Annapurna II (7939m)
Annapurna IV (7525m), Lamjung Himal, Bouddha Himal (6974m),
Himalchuli (6747m) and many more smaller peaks
When you reach There :
Hospitality of the people out there is overwhelming. The villagers welcome with red tika and garland. The concept of“Atithi Devo Bhawa” is completely followed by the habitat of this village. Ghalegaun is famous for it’s home stay. The visitors are provided with accommodation in the villagers’ houses with home cooked meal and are treated as the family member not the outsider. The accommodations are simple but comfortable with good bedding as well as clean toilet facilities.
Fooding:you are supposed to have ethnic food there, nothing else. Nice way to preserve culture and tradition and a great way to make people learn about it. Organic local food like cereals, vegetables, milk products, eggs and meat prepared in traditional way is served to visitors. The local cuisine, pure un-processed milk, curd and ghee they provide will give you the feeling of village life. We have to take meals in the home you are supposed to stay with the family.
Accomodation :The concept of “Atithi Devo Bhawa” is completely followed by the habitat of this village. Ghalegaun is famous for it’s homestay. The visitors are provided with accommodation in the villagers’ houses with home cooked meal and are treated as the family member not the outsider. The accommodations are simple but comfortable with good bedding as well as clean toilet facilities. Two persons will be permitted to live in a house but some times with request changes can be made too.
Climate:Climate is most pleasurable in Spring and autumn but tour can be made any times round the year. The winter is colder some times with snowfall.- Welcome Farewell & cultural program:
Tourist groups are welcomed in Ghalegaun with traditional dances. Handicraft exhibition and other entertainment programs are also performed for visitors. Visitors can even participate in traditional Rodhi every evening. Trekking to and staying at Ghalegaun is an exciting and enjoyable experience for both international and domestic visitors. There are few Pahuna Ghars also which belong to the Aama Samuha. If you really want a new taste of Nepalese culture and life style, than Ghalegaun is one of the best destinations for you. The villagers welcome you with red tika and garland. The concept of “Atithi Devo Bhawa” is completely followed by the habitat of this village and they fare well you in their own way with songs blessings and tikas and the farewell they offer and their hospitality will remain in your hearts forever.
Traditional rituals are still followed during births, deaths, marriages and at other important times in a person’s life. Traditional cultural dances like the Jhyaure, Serka, Dohori, Ghantu, Ghyabring, Krishna Charitra and Jhakri are performed on various occasions accompanied by different musical instruments with the dancers in traditional dress. New Year, Lhosar, Buddha Jayanti is celebrated with lot of traditional Ghantu dance.
Nearest village :Ghan Pokhara, Bhujung, Pasgaun, Kapurgaun, Siurung are the beautiful Gurung villages sorrundings of Ghale Gaun. Tour to these villages is possible from Ghale gaun. The visits to these villages help to know more about Gurung culture, history & civilization. Every villages around Ghale Gaun has their own uniqueness.